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What is the SERU assessment-How we Can Pass the test in 2024

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Many PCO drivers are nervous about the TfL English tests and, in particular, the SERU assessment. This post will help you to succeed. First, let’s explain why PCO drivers must take this exam at all. Back in 2016, TfL introduced the English Language Requirement (ELR) as part of its rules for getting the PHV driver licence you […]

What is the SERU assessment and How to pass the test in 2024

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Many PCO drivers are nervous about the TfL English tests and, in particular, the SERU assessment. This post will help you to succeed. First, let’s explain why PCO drivers must take this exam at all. Back in 2016, TfL introduced the English Language Requirement (ELR) as part of its rules for getting the PHV driver licence you […]

What is the SERU assessment – Way to pass the test in 2024

Pco car rental,Pco car hire,Pco car hire London,Pco car for rent, London Pco car,rent pco car,otto car

Many PCO drivers are nervous about the TfL English tests and, in particular, the SERU assessment. This post will help you to succeed. First, let’s explain why PCO drivers must take this exam at all. Back in 2016, TfL introduced the English Language Requirement (ELR) as part of its rules for getting the PHV driver licence you […]